
Throughout its years of existence, Radio La Benevolencija has produced different documentaries addressing social issues and challenges in its respective countries of operation. Please find below a short overview and description of each of them, as well as links to each of them.
In 2012, Burundi celebrated its 50 years of independence. Prince Louis Rwagasore, the son of the late Burundian king Mwambutsa IV Bangiricenge, was an emblematic figure of the anti-colonial struggle. Within his short political career, he managed to unite Burundians around the idea(l) of independence. He won the first elections of the country by a large majority.
A few days later however, he was assessinated.
Based on testimonies and historical sources, Radio La Benevolencija’s documentary Rwagasore: Vie, Combat, Espoirs explores the man’s life, character and goals. It also focuses on the political background of Burundi and reconstructs the murder and trial of the killers.
The goal of this series is to make Burundians better understand their country’s past, and as such bring them closer together and foster reconciliation.
Si Ma Mémoire Est Bonne (2015)
Si Ma Mémoire Est Bonne (SMMEB) is a documentary series addressing the challenges and sociopolitical context in Burundi from a historical perspective.
Si Ma Mémoire Est Bonne Regionale (2016)
Following the SMMEB documentary series on Burundi, Radio La Benevolencija produced a similar series about the history of the Great Lakes Region (1870 – 1990). is a web-based collection of video/audio podcasts and educational resources, about the causes and the consequences of the genocide of the Roma- and Sinti populations during the Second World War.
It addresses the identity building and self-empowerment of the Roma- and Sinti communities, and challenges they face, in Europe too. This series is produced in 12 different European countries.